Statement of Simplicity
Poster Project

A poster can be one of the most important and influential strategies a business can use. By creating a well designed poster, a business can receive new customers that may not have cared about what they had to offer until they saw their well designed poster. A good poster idea could change the success of a business.

I created a poster for the font "Vista Sans". It is a very free flowing and abnormal font. However, I wanted to make the poster look professional. So I decided to make a clean and sleek design. 

I started out by making the name "Vista Sans" the main focal point by putting them as the biggest words on the poster. As well, I also used orange to contrast against the green to make it stand out even more. By creating that contrast the viewer's eye automatically goes strait to the title of the font. I also wanted to create a sense of visual flow, so as you go down the page I made the font size smaller and smaller. The more important the information was the bigger it was on the poster. I also didn't just randomly place the words on the page, I used alignment to help with the visual flow, making it easy to read and move down the poster. The colors were also an important part. Because I wanted it to stay sophisticated, I chose colors that did not have a high saturation but contrasted well. 

Vista Sans Poster

Vista Sans Poster
